Cophes fallax (LeConte, 1876)
Source: O'Brien, C.W., Wibmer, G.J. 1982
Family: Curculionidae
Cophes fallax image
Chelsey Tellez  
Elongate-oval, black, covered with pale brown scales, with intermixed short bristles; disc of prothorax and large common triangular spot on elytra black. Beak strongly punctured, as long as the prothorax, flattened, scarcely subcarinate, with a smooth narrow median line; antennae brown with slender funicle; club oval-acuminate, annulated. Prothorax wider than long, narrowed gradually in front, broadly rounded on the sides, strongly constricted near the tip, deeply and densely punctured; very finely carinate behind; base rather strongly bisinuate, medial angle small, distinct; scutellum very small, covered with white scales. Elytra very little wider than prothorax at base, humeri rectangular, slightly rounded, not prominent, sides parallel, then obliquely narrowed to the tip; striae composed of large, subquadrate punctures, interspaces somewhat convex; third and fifth more elevated. Legs slender, thighs with one very small tooth; tibiae straight, outer edge angulated near the base; tarsi as in the preceding species (C. obtentus).

Length 4.3 mm.; 0.17 inch.