Psoloessa texana Scudder, 1875
Source: ITIS_080509
Family: Acrididae
Psoloessa texana image
Adults of Psoloessa texana are small, colored with various shades of brown in a variety of color patterns. It is very similar to the brownspotted grasshopper but generally more variable in appearance. It can be differentiated by a number of characters. As in the brownspotted grasshopper, the lateral carinae of the pronotum are cut by one sulcus, however, it lacks distinct depressions where the sulcus cuts the carinae. In most cases, the abdomen of Psoloessa texana is brilliantly salmon orangish in color, while in the brownspotted grasshopper it is light brown to yellowish brown. The outer surface of the hind femur is light brown, most often with one or two dark marks along the dorsal edge. The inner hind femur is brown with some dark suffusion extending from dark markings dorsally. The hind tibiae are light brownish to tan, and never orange or reddish as in P. delicatula. The ground color of the head, pronotoum, and tegmina is highly variable, with some individuals being nearly un marked light brownish while others are boldly marked with a thick dark stripe on the sides of the head and pronotum. As in the brownspotted grasshopper it most often has a tiangular mark on the upper marginal area of the hind femur. It too has lateral foveolae squared to sometimes triangular.