Peracalles pectoralis (LeConte, 1876)
Source: O'Brien, C.W., Wibmer, G.J. 1982.
Family: Curculionidae
Peracalles pectoralis image
Soon Flynn  

Robust, black, covered with depressed scales of dark brown color, variegated with pale on the elytra, forming narrow, undulated bands, and on the prothorax indistinct stripes; intermixed bristles stout, short, erect. Antennae testaceous. Beak coarsely punctured, finely carinate, scaly, tip naked; head scaly like the beak, front not impressed. Prothorax wider than long, convex, much rounded on the sides, distinctly constricted in front, channeled. Elytra much rounded on the sides, striae deep and fine, interspaces wide, slightly convex. Body beneath densely but less coarsely punctured, clothed with yellowish brown scales; mesosternum very broadly emarginate. Legs annulated.

Length 3 mm.; 0.12 inch.