Minyomerus languidus Horn, 1876
Family: Curculionidae
Minyomerus languidus image
Form elongate oval, surface densely covered with cinereous scales. Head and rostrum as long as the thorax. Head transversely impressed behind the eyes. Rostrum feebly emarginate at tip and with slight oval smooth space, surface densely scaly and with few short scale-like hairs. Thorax slightly longer than wide cylindrical, base narrower than the apex, sides nearly straight, apex and base truncate, disc regularly convex, coarsely, deeply and densely punctured, and with a slight median line. Elytra oblong oval, disc obsoletely striate, striae with rather large, closely placed punctures, intervals slightly convex, densely scaly and each with a single row of very short scale like hairs. Body beneath and legs as in the preceding species. Length 0.14 inch; 3.5 mm.

Two specimens, Arizona and Fort Tejon, Cal.

In both species the deciduous piece has left a very inconspicuous scar, transversely oval in form and not prominent as in several of the following groups. I have not seen specimens with the pieces remaining. The mentum fills completely the gular emargination which is nearly semicircular in form. The genae are notched opposite the bases of the mandibles. The distance between the posterior coxae is equal to the length of the first two abdominal segments, and the coxe are not larger than those of the middle pair.

Minyomerus languidus image
Minyomerus languidus image
Minyomerus languidus image
Michael Jansen  
Minyomerus languidus image
Minyomerus languidus image
Minyomerus languidus image
Michael Jansen  
Minyomerus languidus image
Minyomerus languidus image