Phoetaliotes nebrascensis (Thomas, 1872)
Source: ITIS_080509
Family: Acrididae
Phoetaliotes nebrascensis image
Field Guide to Grasshoppers, Katydids, and Crickets of the United States
Olive green with brown markings, the abdomen lighter. As suggested by the name, the head is exceptionally large as compared with the thorax. Viewed from above, the prothorax looks unusually slender relative to the head. Forewings usually are pointed and short, only about the length of the pronotum, but occasional specimens have long wings. A black stripe extends from the back of the eye onto the lateral lobe of the pronotum. Hind femora are reddish brown but yellowish below. Hind tibiae are blue, greenish, or purplish. Males are 21-25 mm long, females 23-33 mm.

In males, the cerci are broad basally, tapering to a rounded point. The upper edge of the cercus is slightly concave, the lower surface straight. The furcula is barely visible and the lobes widely separated.