Gryllus integer Scudder, 1902
Source: ITIS_080509
Family: Gryllidae
Gryllus integer image
Tanner Carothers  
A medium sized, short hind femur, always solid black headed, long and narrow tegmina, long hind winged cricket. Song usually with intermittent bursts of 3 (range 2–4) p/c, usually without an introductory, short trill (Figs 101, 102; R16-60, S16-21), 1000 c/m, PR usually >70. But these general patterns are not fixed in that many populations are a composite of calls including individuals with a pure trill (discussed below), a short introductory trill that changes to 3p/c, and a 2p/c song. Morphologically indistinguishable from sister species G. armatus but separated by habitat and geography, slight song differences, and consistent DNA differences, as follows: (1) G. armatus is from hotter, more southern desert US locations (see Fig. 100); (2) Most, but not all G. armatus, have an “introductory trill” of 2–8 evenly spaced pulses at the beginning of each burst of chirps (see Fig. 108, p. 114), usually followed by 2 (range 1–3) p/c until that burst is over. In contrast, G. integer usually with no introductory trill and 3 p/c, although some males sing with 2–4p/c); and (3) there is a congruent, and consistent association between those males with 2p/c and parallel differences in the ITS2 gene sequences when compared with G. integer (see Fig. 98). In distribution map (Fig. 100), note a possible area of hybridization in the Four Corners area of southeastern Utah, west-central Colorado, and north-eastern Arizona where males sing more like G. armatus but possess G. integer DNA. In this paper, we arbitrarily give priority to the DNA and consider such populations to be G. integer. Nevertheless, it is the extensive DNA/song correspondence that ultimately convinced us to consider these two taxa as different and preserve both of Scudder’s names.

Gryllus integer image
Tanner Carothers  
Gryllus integer image
Tanner Carothers  
Gryllus integer image
Gryllus integer image
Gryllus integer image
Gryllus integer image
Gryllus integer image
Gryllus integer image