Eremochelis bilobatus (Muma, 1951)
Family: Eremobatidae
Eremochelis bilobatus image
AMNH Type  
Type Material

Holotype: "Male holotype from Davis Mountains, Texas, July 2, 1936 (J.N. Knull). Female allotype from Chiricahua Mountains, Arizona, July 18, 1936 (J.N. Knull). Both are in the American Museum of Natural History. Male and female paratypes in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, United States National Museum, Cornell University, California Academy of Sciences, University of Utah, and University of Nebraska" (Muma, 1951, p. 94).

Chelicerae Description: "Dentition of chelicerae variable but following general pattern shown in figures 165 to 167. Movable finger with principal tooth large, two intermediate teeth, of which the proximal is larger and the distal minute or often missing, the anterior tooth reduced to an indistinct rounded ridge, and the mesal tooth missing. All fondal teeth are distinct from dentate socket margin of movable finger. Fondal notch V-shaped, with the sides incurved and about half as wide as the base of the fixed finger. Fixed finger typical of group; curved dorsally on basal half and abruptly narrow above on distal half in lateral view, in dorsal view it is abruptly narrowed mesally on distal half" (Muma, 1951, p. 92).

Chelicerae Setae Description: "Groove of fixed finger a deep narrow slot that widens gradually to fill the width of the finger at about the tip of the first fondal tooth beyond which it does not extend. Flagellum complex typical of group, with a row of dorsal simple tubular bristles, a series of similar S-shaped plumose bristles that cover the mesal groove, and a basal group of simple tubular bristles situated in the fondal notch. Mesal setae of movable finger plumose except for a few at the distal end of the articulation area" (mUma, 1951, p. 92).

Ctenidia Description: "First post-spiracular abdominal sternite provided with four linear, blunt-tipped ctenidia, the middle pair of which is frequently shorter" (Muma, 1951, p. 94).

Eremochelis bilobatus  – male holotype AMNH [originally described as Therobates bilobatus]

Davis Mts., Texas, July 2, 1936, J.N. Knull

(All measurements in sp description except papillae segments)



Char description

M (mm)


chelicerae length



Chelcera height



Fondal notch length



Fondal notch height



Fixed finger height



First leg length



Fourth leg length



Propeltidium length



Propeltidium width (from bottom edge where “ears” begin)



Palpus length



Palpal metatarsus length



Palpal tarsal length



Total length



Propelt has some color (photo).

Abdomen pale – without markings.

Has four thin, bifurcated ctenidia (photo).

Chelicera similar to E. pimanus [on our phylogeny, this species on same clade as E. pimanus and E. ajoanus]

No papillae; pedipalp darkish (not femuir). (photo).

Eremochelis bilobatus image
AMNH Type  
Eremochelis bilobatus image
AMNH Type  
Eremochelis bilobatus image
AMNH Type  
Eremochelis bilobatus image
AMNH Type  
Eremochelis bilobatus image
Erika Garcia  
Eremochelis bilobatus image
Erika Garcia  
Eremochelis bilobatus image
AMNH Type  
Eremochelis bilobatus image
Erika Garcia  
Eremochelis bilobatus image
Erika Garcia  
Eremochelis bilobatus image
AMNH Type  
Eremochelis bilobatus image
AMNH Type  
Eremochelis bilobatus image
Erika Garcia  
Eremochelis bilobatus image
Erika Garcia  
Eremochelis bilobatus image