Schistocerca alutacea (Harris, 1841)
Source: ITIS_080509
Family: Acrididae
Schistocerca alutacea image
Male. Medium size (total length = 33-40 mm). Integument moderately setose. Median carina of pronotum distinct but not raised, with shallow sulci. Hind angle of pronotum slightly angular. Lateral lobe of metazona with granules. Pronotum slightly narrowing toward head. Head small and not inflated. Fore and middle femur not inflated. Epiproct with a pair of tubercles (Fig. 4). Cerci quadrate, length about the same as width, slightly inflated in the middle, distal tip bilobed (Fig. 6). Apical lobes of subgenital plate not outwardly flared, notch U-shaped (Fig. 5). Phallus: Cingulum, surfaces of rami deeply infolded in the middle and highly convex, thus making “basal eminence” appear bilobate and highly constricted in the middle (Figs. 28 and 29). Endophallus, basal valves laterally semicircular, valves of cingulum straight, slightly protruding more than apical valves of aedeagus (Fig. 30). Epiphallus, distance between lophi as long as the length of base of a lophus (Fig. 31). Lophi inflated triangular. Color: Rusty brown to slightly olive green. Head yellow, rusty brown, olive green with faint to strongly dark subocular stripes. A pair of dark brown stripes between eyes from upper half of frontal ridge to occiput, often extending to pronotum. Head, pronotum, and tegmina with a yellow dorsal longitudinal stripe. Lateral lobe of pronoza without marking. Metazona sometimes with small granules. Epimeron without marking. Tegmina brown, sometimes with slightly mottling. Tegminal veins brown. Hind wing with slightly yellow tinge. Posterior margin of abdominal tergites with a row of black dots. Dorsal and ventral surface of hind femur light brown. Hind femur mostly without dorsal band, but sometimes with a trace. Medial area white, sometimes with irregular pattern of black dots. Carinula with a row of very small black dots (Fig. 7). Upper carina without dots. Hind tibia light brown, with tibial spines yellow with black tip.

Female. Much larger than male  (TL = 49-52 mm). Median carina of pronotum slightly more raised. Otherwise same as male. Ovipositor: Ventral valves long in proÞle. Base of dorsal valves distinctively angular. Egg guide slightly narrowing toward apex, slightly curved upward. Pigmentation covering Jannone's organ distinct, sclerotized linearly in the middle.

Diagnostic Characters. Schistocerca alutacea can be uniquely distinguished based on the highly convex rami of cingulum (Figs. 28 and 29). It always has a yellow dorsal longitudinal stripe. Front and middle femora of the males are never inflated.