Melanoplus bivittatus (Say, 1825)
Source: ITIS_080509
Family: Acrididae
Melanoplus bivittatus image
Field Guide to Grasshoppers, Katydids, and Crickets of the United States
This large, robust grasshopper derives its name from the two pale yellow stripes extending from the back of the eyes, across the lateral lobes of the pronotum, to the tips of the forewings. The stripes converge to form a V at the tip of the wings. Over most of the length of the body, the stripes are borderd by black, especially below the stripes. Background color is olive green or yellowish green above, and yellow below. Wings normally are about the length of the abdomen. Hind femora are yellowish but bear a dark stripe. Hind tibiae are variable in color. Males are 23-35 mm long, females 29-45 mm.

In males, the cerci are fairly short, broad, and boot-shaped. The extensions of the furcula are short, triangular, and widely spaced.