Ellipes minuta Scudder, 1862 (redirected from: Ellipes minutus)
Source: ITIS_080509
Family: Tridactylidae
Smaller Sand Cricket
[Ellipes minutus (Scudder, 1862)]
Ellipes minuta image
Field Guide to Grasshoppers, Katydids, and Crickets of the United States
A small insect, blackish or dark brown, but with whitish-yellow marks along the side and back margins of the pronotum, on the forewings and the hind femora, and sometimes elsewhere. Forewings are short, covering about half the length of the abdomen. Hind wings are long, reaching the tip of the abdomen or extending beyond. Front tarsi are broad and thin, bearing four fingers that aid in digging. Fringed organs or apical spurs are found at the tip of the hind tibiae. Hind tarsi are absent. Both males and females are only 4-5 mm long.