Acalles spp.
Family: Curculionidae
Source: Alonso-Zarazaga, M.A., Lyal, C.H.C. 1999
Acalles image
Buffington, M.L.  
Acalles. Schoenherr. The very short metasternum, with indistinct episterna, the oval elytra with rounded sides, and the small tarsal claws will enable the species of this genus to be easily recognized. The mesosternum is usually deeply excavated for about one-half its length, so that the pectoral groove ends about the anterior limit of the middle coxae; but this is not the case with A. nuchalis and pectoralis; the hind part of the mesosternum is protuberant, so as to make an obtuse angle with the metasternum. The distance from the middle to the hind coxae is not greater than from the middle to the front pair; the mesosternum at the side appears longer than the metasternum, a very unusual character in Coleoptera. The last two species described below are anomalous, and when studied in connection with the foreign species, will probably be considered as constituting new genera; in A. nuchalis the metathoracic side pieces are as distinct as in Cryptorhynchus; in A. pectoralis, the mesosternum is scarcely more emarginate than in Tyloderma.